River with I
- Indus
- Illinois River
- Inn
- Isar
- Indus River
- illinois
- Isle
- indian river
- iowa river
- Ind
- Ibar
- India river
- Irwell
- india
- Ivan
- Annons
- Island
- Iditarod River
- Indes
- Inverness
- iris
- Indigo River
- Idaho river
- italian
- Indy
- indie
- Iroquois
- Ilova
- Ibis
- illnois river
- Ilm
- Iller
- Igushik
- Iver
- igloo
- icey
- Indianna
- inland
- Irvine
- Indio
- ilog
- Iguana
- Iranian
- Igushik River
- indi
- Israel
- Irrawaddy
- Ipswich River
- indian ocean
- Indonesian River
- indo
- Ink
- Inver
- Istanbul
- illinios
- Irtysh
- Ina
- iron
- Ichetucknee River
- Indas
- Annons
- Iguazu
- Inchon
- Ice cold river
- ire
- Ise
- irene
- i river
- Iran
- illonois
- ill
- Italian River
- Illionois river
- Indonesia River
- Ingles
- indra
- Illy
Orden på listan River with I kommer från spelare av ordleken Stad, Land, Flod.